Thursday, 16 June 2011

A Little Plane

Skyhammer is the wavemate of Heavytread and because of this he has always lived in Heavytread's shadow, and never seemed as interesting as the Autobot tank. Skyhammer's plane mode is quite dull looking, but is actually nicely detailed and painted. Like Heavytread, Skyhammer features a camouflage colourscheme; in this case a blue-gray combination. The underside is quite bulky, but not horribly so, particularly for a figure this size. The rear landing gear is permanantly deployed but the nose wheel can be folded away. An orange peg can be flipped up between his tailfins to attach his minicon airlift in his vehicle weapon mode.
The transformation is similar in many ways to the wave one Skyburst, with the arms and legs stored in a very similar manner and the cockpit ending up on the robot mode chest. The most distinctive feature in robot mode is the position of the wings which stick out from his shoulders and back, positioned so as to not get in the way of the arms, it looks a little haphazard, but in a practical sense it works better than keeping them flat. His legs look a bit too wide for the rest of him, but apart from this his proportions are good. Airlift can be rearranged so he can be held in this mode, exchanging the socket for vehicle mode for a handle for Skyhammer to hold.

Skyhammer's torso mode is one of the tallest in the line, and whilst he has a somewhat lanky build he manages to avoid looking skinny. Rather than simply switching heads, Skyhammer instead gets a helmet and goggles over his existing one. It creates a different look whilst adding the mass necessary for this mode. The wings now point straight up and are held in place by the folded robot arms. Articulation here is pretty standard, but the way his legs are formed hinders his hip movement. Airlift can form a chestplate (not very good) or put into his own robot mode (recommended).

Skyhammer is a good indication of the progress this line has made, compared to wave one Skyburst there are a lot of refinements. Whist he may not be as popular as Heavytread, he is still well worth a look.

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